Top Unusual Facts About Bolivia

He, who has been to Bolivia, knows that the country is not like any other in the world, which is a very rare case in a present world of globalization. This uniqueness attracts tourist from around the world to this country. To make sure you are intrigued, below is a list of top interesting facts about Bolivia.

Fact #1

Bolivia is the most Indian country in southern America. The majority of Indian tribes is located in the mountain area (Altipano). The entire population follows its ancient traditions and customs hence almost all people wear national costumes and speak Ayamara or Ketchua languages. Important tip is to avoid the word “Indio”, during discrimination period, the word was used as an instalment.

Fact #2

Bolivia is one of the highest countries in the world. Most of its attractions are placed on the altitude of several thousand meters above the sea level. Famous examples are Titicaca (3810 meters), La-Pas (3600 meters), Salar de Uyuni (3650 meters). Remember that most visitors are not used to such heights, so it would be useful to take some of “mate de coca” (tea with coca leaves). It helps to reduce blood pressure and headaches. But is totally illegal in other countries so don’t take it with you as a souvenir.

Fact #3

La- Pas. The capital city of Bolivia is not only famous for its attractions but for its people. The citizens of La-Pas are very much political. Each governmental bill is discussed by the citizens who are more than eager to start a strike on a street or to stop public transport movement. Such strikes are very bright and interesting but are also dangerous: miners and Indians, who are known to be real strike stars, are likely to bring some dynamite with them.

Fact #4

Bolivians think of themselves as a part of nature. They glorify sky, forests, fire and water. But the most important natural element is earth. This explains the cult of “Pachamama”- the goddess of earth. Bolivians are very careful with the waste so when you are about to visit some natural attractions be careful with garbage. The best way to show your respect in such places as Titicaca Lake or Illimani mount is to bring some coca leaves. If you are in the middle of a large celebration, try to repeat what others are doing: the first sip of alcohol should be poured out as a little treatment to the Mother of earth.

Fact #5

Bolivia is the only country that doesn’t like McDonalds. That’s right, Bolivians are the only in Latin America who ignored fast food in their country. They think of food as of something that should be prepared with time and patience. After all, Bolivia became the first country in the world where the world biggest fast food company had to shut all 8 restaurants.

Fact #6

Having Latino temper, Bolivians like football, and, although they are not really good at it, they are definite winners when hosting. The case is that most of Bolivian football stadiums are placed on the high altitude, which is ok for the citizens and almost impossible for the visitors. FIFA wanted to prohibit mountain matches as a result Bolivian government decided to build the highest stadium in the world ( around 4 000 meters above the sea level).

Fact #7

The citizens of Altipano are known to be very strict. When entering the city you are welcomed with a rather intriguing saying:”Ladron pillado sera linchado”, which means he, who stills – will be killed. This is a “kind” reminder of lynch law.